The following is the schedule for the 2015 Symposium on May 6th, 2015. All locations are within the Genome Sciences Building. All seminars are in room G200.


8:30 am Registration and breakfast (GSB lobby)
9:20 am Introduction (GSB G200)
9:30 am Dr. Alejandro Sánchez AlvaradoThe developmental plasticity of the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea
10:30 am Dr. Anne BrunetThe African turquoise killifish: A new vertebrate model for studying aging and evolution of lifespan
11:30 am Posters (GSB lobby and Genomic Cafe)
12:30 pm Lunch (GSB G10)
1:30  pm Dr. Nipam PatelDevelopment and evolution of arthropod diversity
2:30 pm Dr. Deborah YelonSculpting the heart: Dynamic regulation of organ dimensions
3:30 pm Closing remarks and poster awards (GSB G200)